from Distant Landscapes
darkness of the earth
incompatible with language
boneless animals
the heaviest sky
on top of my hair
bucolic serpents
one armed person
soot stained leaf
gunshot residue analysis
poison darts
another beheading
another beheading
solar system
modifying that person
in the sinkhole of perception
spreading spines
handful of conversation
drifting spores
sliding shadows
sultry clouds
distance between leaves
door closing in front of me
each day dream
bonus of sea
hidden sadness
alien cabin
decimation relapse
private vault
quivering grass
depleted heart
new reservoir
two factor identification
movement determined by
currents in the ocean
bird of bright plumage
dragging feet lifelessly
rejuvenated jelly fish
repugnant and undetected
combination plate
willow branch
expenditure closing in
discharging my firearm
collision of multiple strands
migration of language
a place the sky doesn’t reach
dengue fever
how i didn’t choose to live
building an endless tunnel
your head becomes cloudy
rejecting skyline
uncertain hills
replacing a home
dirty white mushrooms
forgotten song
green water
words rushing down stairs
poems on rocks
narrow tract
black tie
merges with forest
loss of my identity
other worlds
i think of you
hospital protocols
cut grass
dead father
your sanitized boat
belle epoch
faded music
still photograph
tears fall
liquid asset
illegible sea
burnt out
signs of my youth
autumnal beast
unknown photographer
decompressed cold wars
to clean my heart
a breath between
halting vines
move within me
emptiness of language
lurking in front of me
oh god i’m lost
two animals face in different directions
faceless sky
bad aim
two toed foot
on green grass
composing shadows
poems about poems
sea in my leg
yellow hand on a blue table
painting the same picture
my head becomes watery
wild-eyed pundit
café au lait
without the tree
i may be nothing
another beheading
brown flecks
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